Nothing Bad Said

15 stories by Northwest Writers

Nothing Bad Said is a collection of short stories by fourteen North West writers and was published by Commonword. Here, the stories deal with issues and situations that affect all our lives in a language that makes sense to the rest of us. These stories are often amusing, always moving, and do justice to the variety of working class life.

In its introduction, Ailsa Cox writes: “One of the questions posed is whether we have anything left to celebrate in 1981. At times there is a feeling that life today is shorn of the dignity and depth of experience that went alongside material hardship. The writers explore many themes including sexual relations and exploitation in a society in which men and woman are estranged from one another. In the end many of the writers do find things worth holding on to. The very fact that these published stories have been written and published at all proves that even in a world that seems at times to be falling apart at the seams, we can still reach out to one another.”


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Publication date: 1982
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