Kevin Otoo

Kevin was born in Manchester in 1950, to a white English mother and black West African father. He began attending the Commonword Writers Workshop in 1978 and stayed until 1982. His writing changed through this, ranging from poetry to short stories through their quarterly magazine, ‘Write On’. In his work he deals with a range of different subjects and moods, saying he writes “about that little bit of the world I know and the people who live and have lived in it with me. About how we sometimes struggle to make sense of it all, how we occasionally hurt one another (intentionally or otherwise): and how eventually we learn to adapt and find some way to move on.”

In 1982, he wrote ‘Another Moss Side Night’ which Yargo put to music and performed. It received mixed responses, from those who really enjoyed it to those who felt it presented a too negative image of Moss Side to the wider world.

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