Dobroyed by Leslie Wilson

“‘Would you please stand,’ he spoke. “Naw we are givving you a chance by sending you to an aprooved school,” he said carmly. All at once I felt miselth going into a num sence then deeper, until I felt too week to move………”

Dobroyed is the story of one young man’s year in an approved school. It is the result of years of struggle by the author to put down as honestly and accurately possible his experience there and to overcome his lack of conventional spelling and grammar. Throughout the book there is an accumulation of details and impressions that build up into a picture of a difficult year in the life of a teenage lad. It is a story that is full of tragedies and of joys. The manner in which it is told offers us a rare insight into the way in which institutions such as juvenile courts, approved schools and the care systems are actually experienced.

The first chapter of this book is available as a PDF. Click on the link below to view.

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Publication date: 1980
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